Exportación e instalación de proyectos de granalladoras en todo el mundo

Proyectos de Granalladoras
Sino-Abrator develops increasingly specialized in shot blast machine projects, sand blasting machines manufacture, efficient and performing cutting-edge technologies of the turbine-wheel shot blast machine is widely used for treatment of mainly metallic and stone surfaces.
The shot-blast purpose includes of the de-rusting, descaling, de-sanding, or deburring of the work pieces. Other uses are improving of anti-fatigue, hardening of surfaces for longer lifespan (shot-peening), finish blasting of sensitive parts and roughening of surfaces ready for coating or painting.
Sino-Abrator se especializa cada vez más en proyectos de máquinas de granallado, fabricación de máquinas de granallado, tecnologías de vanguardia eficientes y de alto rendimiento de la máquina de granallado con rueda de turbina que se utiliza ampliamente para el tratamiento de superficies principalmente metálicas y de piedra.
El propósito del granallado incluye el desoxidado, descascarillado, desarenado o desbarbado de las piezas de trabajo. Otros usos son la mejora de la antifatiga, el endurecimiento de superficies para una mayor vida útil (granallado), el acabado con chorro de piezas sensibles y el desbaste de superficies listas para recubrir o pintar.
Proyectos del mapa de Granalladoras instaladas:
Nota: ¡Haga clic cada país para obtener más detalles!
Functions of the Shot blast machine projects:
Sino-Abrator develops increasingly specialized in shot blast machihnes projects all over the world, sand blasting machines projects manufacture, efficient and performing cutting-edge technologies of the turbine-wheel shot blast machine is widely used for treatment of mainly metallic and stone surfaces.
The shot-blast purpose includes of the de-rusting, descaling, de-sanding, or deburring of the work pieces. Other uses are improving of anti-fatigue, hardening of surfaces for longer lifespan (shot-peening), finish blasting of sensitive parts and roughening of surfaces ready for coating or painting.
Surface cleaning
Shot blast equipment is initially used in the foundry industry to remove sticky sand, oxide scale from the surface of steel and iron castings. This is also an indispensable preparation process before the quality inspection of the casting.
Workpiece strengthening
According to modern metal strength theory, increasing the dislocation stress inside the metal is the main direction to improve the strength of the metal.